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Short Stories

The product of the course was five collections of short stories, each written in a different style with a focus on a different author. We, as the writers, were challenged to give each story its own tone and atmosphere, so that every style would be recognized as that of its original creator, yet at the same time to thread our own styles into the tapestry of our stories.

Having the opportunity to read our stories out was very special too. One could compare it to singing – you may have a beautiful voice and know all the technicalities of the trade, but if you cannot sing in front of people, what is the point? It is the same with writing – If you cannot read your stories to an audience and capture them, there is no point! Yet everything needs practice, and just as a singer must get used to singing in front of an audience, so we must get accustomed to telling our stories to others. It really was a great occasion to practice that skill.

So, there you have it – our journey through time, space and writing styles.

Our stories may not seem like much – In fact, they may seem like nothing at all. But to me… To me they are doors that have been opened to new worlds. A Chinese proverb that I love goes: Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. I am very grateful for my teacher for opening this door for me, helping me take the first few steps, and giving hints along the way of which paths to take. I have grown, changed and learned while exploring this new realm. For this is not a realm like our own. This is the realm of writing. Anything can happen. And that is precisely why everything does.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say we have had a blast exploring this world with our Stella Maris writing group. We have cherished this time and will miss it dreadfully. 
But it’s time for us to step out and find our own ways in this new world.

Wish us luck.

Kantonsschule Wettingen
Klosterstrasse 11
5430 Wettingen
T +41 56 437 24 00
Kantonsschule Wettingen
Klosterstrasse 11
5430 Wettingen
T +41 56 437 24 00